Little BE-lievers is an animated series created and produced by BE Company, dedicated to empowering children to develop resilience, self-esteem, and a strong sense of values. The series follows the adventures of Amara, a young girl, and her magical toys that come to life to teach her important virtues like bravery, kindness, honesty, and more. Through imaginative stories and lovable characters, Little BE-lievers aims to provide children with fun, relatable lessons they can apply in their own lives.
BE Company is passionate about creating content that goes beyond simple entertainment. Our mission is to bring valuable life skills to young audiences in a way that is both engaging and meaningful. The Little BE-lievers series is one of our key projects, designed to make learning about virtues an exciting adventure for every child.
In addition to the animated series, BE Company has developed a variety of companion resources, such as an interactive workbook filled with coloring pages, puzzles, word searches, and short stories. These activities help kids dive deeper into the lessons taught in each episode, reinforcing positive values and encouraging personal growth.
By combining the magic of storytelling with practical tools, Little BE-lievers inspires children to embrace who they are and strive to be their best selves. We are thrilled to share this journey with you and your family, bringing lessons of courage, kindness, honesty, and joy into your everyday lives.